Monday, October 23, 2006

A person now must review the events learned. A Form will now be the word used to describe the sly imagined relation placed before the eyes.

It is skill some people are good at while I myself have little image. I can close my eyes and vision though. So everybody is a little different, but the strong geometric placement of the image before the eyes allows the relation of distance to assist the geometric analogy. So analogy is the use of the Form. It is a powerful tool to assist Nth Form or Category.

Here I speak of Category as equal to Form and this is because the system of analogy is so designed. A white spot for the abstract inverted symbol place in the tree of category. A black spot for looking top to bottom, down the tree.

Structured Imagination is to allow complete control of the relationship under examination. So we have the hands rotating to theoretically touch the person, thereby causing the handedness of the thing touched. And at this time the white spot is to be imagined for the set element is caused to exist by relation existence.

So abstract the geometric form being learned. A relation as the imagined hand touching the thing, you, to be given sides relative to the hand appears the visioned abstract relation. Making the Form appear stronger in imagery.

A correspondence of element appears and the person is found to be abstracting the tree once more.

A category tree location appears the elements perspective for the relation as symbol causes the tree to exist. I categorify with this design of visioning only.

When I speak of tree, I literally draw the inverted stem with spots to connect Nth levels.
A special ability to be developed is to appear to always abstractly alter the relation and correctly assign the desired, imagined object to represent the relation as a solution. Selecting the two hands to be visioned to represent the hand relation was a nontrivial discovery. Proper image selection is the ability of the theorist's capable student who can immediately abstract the design of my system and advise me of possible alternative Forms.



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