Sunday, October 22, 2006

As we left off. Imagine the pair of hands and the words, Hands before the eyes. This appears for real strongly with some people, whereas with others the skill must be developed.

Search the internet for the method of scientific relation reduction as a subject. A large controversy appears in evidence. All the while Plato's School House had it. I will instruct in the usage of the relation so the instilled student may matter of fact infer. The exact form of all is real.


And now the subject to alter the form before the eyes is the abstracted relation's usage, without visioning it. Use it in example and be patience for once the trial begins a student then either begins study here for real or does not.

Do you want to learn of Plato's School for real or just read about the subject. Being a logical person in the scientific world appears the usage. Relation pertaining to the minds effect in the world, called subjective relations, are never to be visioned. A love relation is not amenable to the reductionist form for study. Subjective is therefore not able to be consistently inferred!

Making the Scientific usage the only allowed world of Plato, for the consistent division of subjective to objective appears the benefit as will be discussed.

Study the topic of the Universal in the internet. It is a specific relation to the philosopher and allows the entity to be.

A method of Universal's appears the debate in modern times, all the while the form is to obey the law of the correct Universal. A first step to take as the student become the discovery of Universal.

Two Hands and the word hands before the eyes, denotes the relation of handedness and the associated word in the abstract. Abstraction as a topic is now introduced and must be mastered. Any word associated with the example is the abstracted symbol associated with the relation.

So replace the word hands with the abstract relation or symbol, and two relations must be visioned now! It is a hard task this first mastery. Take the challenge now or not.

It is a sly thing to have the symbol as any symbol. Be careful with the meaning of visioning. The mind is a complex thing and the instinctive belief appears the best guess at success or not.

This is the most difficult vision to master, it will be this simple. Nth Form study.

Any symbol as abstract symbol with the pair of hands! This easy?

What does my instinct tell me. I vision a dark spot with the pair of hands. A dark spot to represent any symbol. Abstract relation of symbol appears the darker spot near the pair of hands.

Dark, being the place for any symbol to exist.

So begins the quest. Universal as the exact correct relation appears this in proper world of Plato.

So I will open this to debate. Please challenge this philosopher. Why bother, with Universal as imagined in this fashion? It is difficult to master in any ones school. Why this one, a black spot as the abstracted, any symbol, for the handedness relation, a pair of hands. Why?

And of course it appears any symbol as the sfurthure in futher visioning, Can the pair of hand be simple replaced? Yes. change the relation of hands now. And the power of the Universal appears. A lack of symbol representation appears to be the subject.

And so why this form of the Universal?

It is unconventional as the Universal, but appears the best usage for everyday envisionment of Nth category subject. It is the literallylitterally imagining the top of the Nth category tree and looking down its axis.

And there you are with the power to imagine all symbol set, for all relation set, as the stack of Nth Form or category.

Please stay and structure the imagination.


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